Why Online Learning?

I studied online to get my Associate of the Arts Degree. I am now attending RU online as an English major. Online learning is great because I can study and still adapt for life’s other happenings (doctor appointments, travel, etc.). I enjoy online learning and recommend it to anyone who already has a full life and wants a good education.

Why English Major?

I chose to major in English because I enjoy writing. My husband and pastors have encouraged my writing talents and abilities. After fasting, I decided God, too, was telling me English was the field I was to study. An English degree will allow me to enter my dream field of publishing, or give me plenty of flexibility for other career fields.

Why Regent University?

I had been watching The 700 Club for a few years. They showed many Regent University commercials and I determined to attend RU someday. I am grateful everyday that God grant my desire to study at a Christ-centered university. The ability (if not the requirement) to apply a biblical worldview to all my assignments is helping me develop into a high-quality religious writer.

English Major

12 March 2009

First Blog

This first post has been very difficult for me to write. I have thought about it for days. I believe it to be one of the most important posts I will ever make.

See, I know that if it is too long it won't get read. I know because if I see a post that is more than just a paragraph or two I skip right through it. I also know it has to be intersting or you won't come back to my blog again. I know because I don't revisit the blogs of people who have a habit of making boring posts or, worse yet, posts that ramble and never make a point.

One thing I would like to discuss is the issue of finding old friends. I have recently joined the many thousands of people who use online social networks. (In fact, I am part of so many I lost count.) Online networks have allowed me to find many old friends. These friends are not necessarily constantly in my thoughts, but they are often in my memories. It makes me wonder if our old friends think of us as often as we think of them. It is nice that they remember us when they hear our name. But, when telling their children stories about their own childhood, do they remember our names as well as the times they spent with us? Or, do they say, "I spent the summer playing with this girl, but I don't remember her name"?

As Christians we want people to remember us. It is human nature--God made us to be social creatures. More importantly, though, we want people to remember the message of God's love for them. I encourage you that as you move forward in your life, making new friends and possibly leaving others, to make the effort to leave your friends with the memory of God's love. Perhaps, you will be able to show them God's love in such a way that they can't forget your name. Even if they do forget your name, cause them to remember the most important name of all: God.

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